What is a desalination filter and how does it work?

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Sustainability testing methods and practices

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How did PTFE membrane for filtration come to be?

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Meltblown filter media

Meltblown has risen from a commodity nonwoven material for select applications to front-and-center in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Meltblown is created via an integrated extrusion process. It utilizes …

Power generation is one of the primary applications for hot-gas filtration

Hot gas filtration is a process utilized to remove particulate in high temperature gas streams. Depending on the process, the temperature ranges can very between 250 C to 1,000 C. …

People wearing facemasks

Standardized facemasks typically fall into one of two categories — surgical or respirator. Both variants are designed to offer various levels of protection against the transmission of bacteria and other …

Facemasks used during COVID-19

There are many different facemasks in the market today – from do-it-yourself cut and sew barrier masks to highly engineered products that require testing and certification to be used. In …

AHR Expo focus on indoor air quality (IAQ)

I made the trip to Orlando in February for the 2020 AHR Expo. I traveled to this event with the objective of determining the level of interest in an INDA …