Posts in category

End-Use Markets

Clean Air… A Right or Delight?

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Green or Durable? Automotive & Aerospace Fibers in Filtration

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Breathing Easy: A Breakthrough Solution for Indoor Air Quality

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Figure 4. SEM of typical filter media used in HVAC applications.

Deciphering the Decision-Making Process in the Hindsight of Covid-19 Pandemic to Discover IAQ and Clean Air Foresight to Design Cities for Air Quality It is challenging to advance the cause …

Ahlstrom’s oil and fuel cellulose-based filter platform (in microfiber glass or 100% cellulose) is fine fiber laminate with high capacity and also fuel water separation on standard fuels and advanced composites for biodiesel and aggressive fuel water separation. Photo courtesy Ahlstrom

Fibers are main raw materials for making filter media in aerospace and automotive filtration applications. They can be chosen from a wide range of materials, including celluloses, thermoplastics, and glass …

Researchers at NC State University have developed air filtration technology with 99.9 percent efficiency.

North Carolina State University Researchers Develop an Air Filtration Technology that Catches and Kills Pathogens with up to 99.9% Efficiency While the need for effective air filtration technologies has long …

Fiber Bond’s enhanced VE3 technology can now inactivate influenza as well as SARS-CoV-2.

Air Filtration Pioneer Unveils Newest Innovation to Better Protect the Air We Share Fiber Bond, a pioneer in air filtration solutions, is building on its earlier success in inactivating the …

Reuven Rivlin (former President of the State of Israel) in a visit at IDE - Sorek Desalination Plant. It is being as a model for new large-scale projects in Spain. Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons

From a Point of Distress, the Country is Being Thrust Into Global “Wicked Water Problem” Stage One of my favorite quotes is: “The future is already here – it’s just …