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International Filtration News provides ongoing coverage of filtration technology for desalination. Visit regularly to stay on top of the latest insights, issues and innovations in filtration for desalination.

Spain A New Global Water Leader

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What is a desalination filter and how does it work?

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Student Spotlight: Laser-induced graphene for biofouling prevention in desalination & water treatment systems

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Reuven Rivlin (former President of the State of Israel) in a visit at IDE - Sorek Desalination Plant. It is being as a model for new large-scale projects in Spain. Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons

From a Point of Distress, the Country is Being Thrust Into Global “Wicked Water Problem” Stage One of my favorite quotes is: “The future is already here – it’s just …

The reverse osmosis equipment in a desalination plant. Photo courtesy of Stockphoto/tifonimages

The leading modern method of removing salt from sea/briny water is a process called reverse osmosis (RO). This is the primary filtration technology utilized for removing salt from water and …

Dupont, Waterise Test Vessel

Earlier this year, DuPont Water Solutions entered into a collaboration with Waterise to provide seawater reverse-osmosis membranes and expertise to support Waterise’s subsea desalination plant program. Subsea reverse-osmosis (RO) desalination …

Fabrication of laser-induced graphene using Laser cutting machine.

The Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research (ZIWR) is one of the world’s leading research institutes for innovative water treatment technologies. It was founded in January 2002 within the Jacob Blaustein …

Manufacture of spiral-wound cartridge filters

A spiral-wound element has significant surface area, resulting in extremely high packing density. The filter is also easy to install and maintain in the system, and it offers a long …