IFN Call for Peer Reviewers

International Filtration News is seeking subject matter experts in the categories of Air, Gas & Liquid Filtration to serve as reviewers of manuscripts submitted as part of IFN‘s Peer-Review Program. Manuscripts will be authored by researchers, scholars and technologists who are focused on filtration technology and applications. IFN’s peer-review process is based on the double-blind model in accordance with COPE’s Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.1

Steps in the peer-review process include:

  1. Submission of manuscript to the IFN editorial team.
  2. IFN editorial team will review manuscript to ensure the focus is appropriate, required materials and imagery are provided in the proper format, and the manuscript is in accordance with IFN style guidelines.
  3. IFN’s Chief Content Officer and/or Editorial Advisory Board will review the paper to ensure the material is sufficiently original and compelling.
  4. Once accepted for peer review, the manuscript will be assigned to two reviewers who have knowledge and expertise in the topic under consideration. The reviewers will first review the paper to determine if the material is worthy of peer-review publication. If the paper is selected to move forward in the peer-review process, each reviewer will develop a point-by-point review of the manuscript, submitting notes and any requested revisions to the IFN editorial team.
  5. IFN editorial team will then send the reviewers’ notes and requested revisions anonymously to the author for final revision as/if necessary.
  6. Depending on the level of revision required, the reviewers may review the revisions and full manuscript again.
  7. Once the paper has been approved for publication, it will be submitted to production.

To nominate yourself as a peer reviewer and/or for more information about the IFN Peer-Review Program, please contact Matt Migliore at mmigliore@inda.media or +1 (919) 459-3754.

  1. “Cope Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers,” https://publicationethics.org/files/Ethical_Guidelines_For_Peer_Reviewers_2.pdf